May 31, 2013

APPLE Magic: Succulent PROFITS poor TAX

The U.S. Senate has set to work to investigate the major tax fraud occurring in their country. The genius of Apple to evade taxes has no limits, the Senate knows and wants to end it. They have made a report and the data are chilling.
Fraud is the concentration of profits in some subsidiaries that are not based tax.
The report highlights the possible agreement by Apple to Ireland for a tax rebate of 10%, from 12% to 2%.
A clear example is the holding of foreign affiliates (AOI), which in the past four years has made ​​a profit of 30,000 million dollars even stated anywhere.
On the other hand, we have (ASI), which is responsible for billing the sales in Spain, using companies from Ireland to escape the Spanish hacienda, specifically 74,000 million in the past four years.
In 2011, for example, of the 22,000 million profit paid 10 million dollars, less than 0.05%
Apple has more than 100,000 million U.S. dollars outside. 61% of its sales are overseas records.
Large experts believe that the problem is that "the tax system is not up to the digital age"
The U.S. Senate has launched accusations against Ireland to facilitate such companies to enter its country attracting them with their "tax incentives"
with these statements, Gilmore, Irish Deputy Prime Minister, leaving the way of a U.S. Senate report which states that the technology giant created two subsidiaries in Ireland that had no employees or physical presence, and whose sole purpose was to channel thousands of million of its global profits to avoid paying U.S. taxes, saying the tax problem comes from other countries, not yours. How do you think that affects the economy? Could eradicate extreme poverty by taxing big companies? Yes, but 2 times.

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